In August 1936, in the depths of the Great Depression, Mom Chaffe fulfilled her dreams of a tiny Italian restaurant. She opened it in a quiet residential area of West Reading. She named it “The Cellarette”. In those days, West Reading and Wyomissing were the juggernauts of the textile industry in America. “The Cellarette” became a favorite of the employees at the Wyomissing Industries, from the founding partners to men and women who built their industries. The decendents of these people are still customers at “The Cellarette”. Originally the restaurant was half the size, but in the 1940's they acquired #146 Tulpehocken Avenue and enlarged it to cater to the expanding business. Mom Chaffe died in 1956 and the business passed to her 2 daughter. As is the case in many families, Mom Chaffe's son in laws had differing ideas on how the restaurant should be run. A parting of the two families occurred in 1962 with the sale of “The Cellarette” to Ellie and Leroy Heffner. At that time “The Cellarette” was renamed “Mom Chaffe's Cellarette”. Under their stewardship for the next 16 years, the Heffners continued the tradition of the Chaffe family. The Checkered tablecloths and chianti bottles with candles decorated the decor. When the Heffners decided to retire, they sold the restaurant to Bill Remley, a local businessman. Bill's wife MaryEllen redecorated the restaurant and added great style to the décor. Bill had several other business irons in the fire and decided to take in a partner to oversee day to day business. Melvin Lehman was approaching retirement and wanted to own a restaurant with his son after his retirement. The Lehman's began at Mom Chaffe's in December 1979. After a year they bought Bill Remley's half and began their tenure. They built a new kitchen and expanded the dining room, modernized kitchen facilities and added paintings to the décor. In 2009 Melvin Lehman died at age 89. His son and wife continued on with the business. Polly Lehman became well known as the face of Mom Chaffe's, rarely missing a day at work. She died in March of 2019 at age 98. Her son John Lehman continues the tradition of hospitality that Mom Chaffe began in 1936.